About Masaka District Local Governement
Masaka District is situated about 179 Kms from Kampala, 96 Kms from the Equator and 35 kms from Masaka City, with an average altitude of 1150m above sea level. Sembabule boarders the District in the North, Lyantonde in the North West, Bukomansimbi in the North East, Masaka City in the East, Kyotera and Rakai in the south.

Who are we?
Masaka District Council is the policy-making organ of the Local Government.
Masaka District is one of the oldest districts in Uganda. Originally, it consisted of Rakai, Kalangala, Sembabule, Kalungu, Bukomansimbi, and Lwengo making it once the largest district in Uganda.
Today Masaka has been reduced in size after Rakai, Kalangala, Sembabule, Kalungu, Bukomansimbi, and Lwengo were elevated to the district status.
“To achieve sustainable socio-economic development through efficient provision of quality services to the people of Masaka district in conformity with national policies and local priorities.”
“Eliminate Poverty by Building a Strong and Self-Sustaining Local Economy within 30 Years”
“To achieve sustainable socio-economic development through efficient provision of quality services to the people of Masaka district in conformity with national policies and local priorities.”
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